Global Brand Strategy Success Club

 Global Brand
Strategy Success Club  

Sharing your brand through Digital Marketing works for any kind of business and industry, since the majority of consumers (inc. your potential customers), use search engines, such as Google, to find information about products and services, as well as use Social Media platforms to find out what is going on their local community or holiday location.

A comprehensive Digital Marketing strategy includes;
  • a consumer friendly, mobile responsive website,
  • creating consistent multimedia marketing assets (incl. text-, image-, video- and audio-based content) and sharing them across your Social Media channels,
  • consistently driving traffic to your website, based on online and offline promotions,
  • as well as the connecting your digital marketing strategy with any offline and in person/in-store/point-of-sale marketing strategy. 
In summery, the aim of any form of marketing is to create meaningful touchpoints which current and potential customers, which ultimately lead to repeat purchases and recommendations. 

The #1 reason why I have created the Global Brand Strategy Success Club is, that I have realized how lonely it can be to climb the steep road to success as an entrepreneur or business owner. Although there is much information scattered about out on 'How to build a Brand', it is far easier to build something in unity, as opposed to doing it alone.

Imagine building a house by yourself, from making each brick to digging the foundation etc., you wouldn’t dream of attempting that on your own. Right? So why the he** do we try to reach the masses by ourselves? By sharing best practices, learning from each other, motivation to continue with a ‘no matter what’ attitude and by promoting, collaborating and maybe even partnering up, I believe you CAN build a successful global brand!
Plus, you have unlimited access to me, which means you have your own Business & Multimedia Marketing Consultant/Coach right by your site!

The next cohort is going to start on Monday, 3rd June 2019!
So, why not Join the Global Brand Strategy Success Club today?!
Google and other search engines use complicated algorithms to determine which website to show in the organic search results, and this is why it is important to consistently update your website.
Consumers use Social Media no longer just to stay in tough with friends, but also to find and give product and service recommendations, follow interesting accounts and like to share what they have found with their family, friends and associates. 
Search engines LOVE Social Media channels and generally like to show multimedia content, when someone searches for a specific keyword or phrase. 
YOU can utilize this knowledge, with well-planned and executed Social Media Marketing campaigns.
In case you are wondering, if this is the right fit for you,
 consider the following questions;

Do you offer products or services online and offline you don’t know how to reach out to the world?

Do you want your products or services to impact hundreds of thousands of people around the world, because you know it can make a difference in their life’s?

Are you frustrated about what you have done in terms of branding and marketing via Social Media has made no or just little difference?

Do you want to build a Global Brand to fulfill your dreams?

Do you want to build a sustainable business,
 that increases its profits year in and year out?

If You have answered any of the aforementioned questions with a YES; JOIN US TODAY!
After only working with me for a month, ALL my client's post reach increases organically! 

No ads!
No fake followers or likes!
No boosting!

Your Club Membership includes;

  • Private Facebook Group
  • Weekly Training Session, via email
  • 1 monthly Live Call via Google+ Hangout + Recordings, so that you can listen back to it at your convenience
  • Unlimited Email access to me, ask questions, get coaching and consulting 
What are you waiting for?
Join today for only $19, for your 1st month,
– then $49 per month –

"This great, thanks Naomi. God bless you." – A. Irungu, Entrepreneur

"Dear Naomi, I quite appreciate your offer of assistance and prompt response to my request.
This is just loaded. Thank you!" - Crystal Shine Skin Clinic

What are you waiting for?
Join today for only $19, for your 1st month,
– then $49 per month –


What happens after I have signed up?
You will receive a welcome message within 24 hours, which will include all details of what will happen next.

Are there any extra costs involved?
No, all you pay is the price for the subscription, which is charged on a monthly basis.

I want a Brand Strategy, more content and everything done for me
Please refer to the Social Media Marketing Packages main page for more options. 

How do I cancel?
Cancellation is completely hassle free, as you can cancel anytime, after your first month.

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