What happens after I have signed up?
You will receive a welcome message within 24 hours, which will include all details of what will happen next.
How will I receive the Social Media Marketing content?
You will receive a link for your cloud storage folder, so that you can download it at any time.
When will I receive my Social Media content?
Content will be available within 7 days after signing up.
What if I have no Social Media Marketing Channels setup yet?
No problem, I will help you to sign up and start from there.
Are there any extra costs involved?
No, all you pay is the price for the subscription fee, which is charged on a monthly basis.
I want a Brand Strategy and more content
How do I cancel?
Cancellation is completely hassle free, as you can cancel anytime, after your first month.
I have another question
Please send your email with the Subject line ‘Social Media Marketing’ to; info@naomimclaughlan.com or use the contact form below.